Day at the Zoo 7/30/05
Sweeteeface and I took our inaugural Metro trip with the scooter. We were going to go down to the Mall, but that would entail a transfer. We decided to go to the Zoo instead, as it was on the Red Line, same as the Grosvenor Station where we parked. We applaud Metro on its accesibility, although she did have to "gun it" to get on the car. Once we got there, I was reminded that the Zoo stop is farther from the Zoo than the Cleveland Park stop! I must say, that the one word that described the Zoo this time was disheveled. We called a zookeeper's attention to the labored breathing of a Kangaroo, but she said that the 'roo was old, and just resting. I hope I don't hear of any kangaroo deaths in the near future at the Zoo. We did have a good time, though. It wasn't too hot, the concessions were over twice the street price, but that's to be expected. We didn't see any apes hanging from the "O-Line", the overhead faux vines for the Orangatuans and friends to swing from. Hmmm, maybe that's a good thing...

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Checking Metro's scooterability Hello, Big Brother! Why is the Zoo stop so far from the Zoo? Hurrah for the ADA and Curb Cuts!
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